8 Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking Voice

Picture yourself on stage: the spotlight shining, your audience waiting in anticipation. Your heart is steady, your mind is clear, and your voice resonates with confidence and authenticity when you speak. This can be your reality.

For professionals across all fields, the ability to communicate effectively is not merely a skill—it's a necessity. It can engage your audience and make them feel heard, understood, and valued. It can shape perception and drive action.

In this blog post, we will get into voice training for speaking. We'll explore some techniques, provide tips, and highlight their pivotal role in audience engagement and perception.

So, if you're ready to amplify your voice and transform your professional communication skills, keep reading. Your journey to vocal mastery starts here. Let's unlock the power of your voice together!


Key Takeaways:

  • Warm-up exercises boost vocal cord relaxation, flexibility, and clarity.
  • Better breath control leads to improved vocal performance.
  • Modifying pitch, pace, and tone can captivate listeners.


Table of Contents

  1. Warm-up and Relaxation Techniques
  2. Develop Proper Breathing Techniques
  3. Enhance Voice Projection and Volume
  4. Improve Articulation and Pronunciation
  5. Enhance Vocal Variety and Expression
  6. Record and Evaluate Your Voice
  7. Practice with Different Speaking Styles and Genres
  8. Seek Professional Training or Coaching
  9. Refining Your Public Speaking Voice Today


1. Warm-up and Relaxation Techniques

Like a car engine on a cold morning, your voice needs to be warmed up before it performs at its best. A relaxed, warmed-up voice not only sounds better but it also helps you to speak more confidently and effectively.

Vocal warm-up exercises are crucial to prepare your voice for speaking or singing, and relaxation techniques can help reduce tension and vocal strain. Here's what you need to know:


Vocal Warm-Up Exercises

Plenty of vocal warm-up exercises help relax your vocal cords, enhance their flexibility, and improve your articulation. This prepares your voice for optimal performance, reduces the risk of strain, and improves your vocal delivery. We've shared some of them below.


Humming is a gentle way to warm up your vocal cords. Start with a comfortable pitch and hum a simple song or scale. You should feel a buzzing sensation in the front of your face.

Lip Trills

This exercise involves blowing air through your lips to create a trill or raspberry sound. It helps to relax the muscles around your lips and jaw, and warms up your voice by providing a balanced back pressure of air as your vocal cords vibrate.


Relaxation Techniques

One way to alleviate physical tension and anxiety for public speakers is through habitually practicing relaxation techniques. This promotes a relaxed body and mind, reducing vocal strain and enabling a smoother, more confident vocal delivery. You can start with the following practices:

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing exercises can help to relax your body and mind. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold it for a few seconds, then exhale slowly through your mouth. This can help to calm nerves for a smooth vocal delivery.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This technique involves tensing and relaxing each muscle group, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. This can help to reduce physical tension, which can negatively impact your voice.

Yoga and Stretching

Yoga poses and stretching exercises can help to reduce muscle tension and promote relaxation. They can also improve posture, which is essential for good vocal technique.

Mindfulness and Visualization

Mindfulness techniques are also a great way to feel better before your speech. Activities like focusing on your breath or visualizing a calm scene can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.


2. Develop Proper Breathing Techniques

Effective public speaking is a complex art form that requires mastery of various skills, one of the most crucial being proper breathing technique. Understanding the connection between breath and voice is vital as it directly impacts your vocal clarity, strength, and endurance.


The Connection Between Breath and Voice

Your voice is essentially your breath transformed into sound by your vocal cords. As you breathe in, your lungs fill with air, and as you breathe out, this air flows past your vocal cords, causing them to vibrate and create sound. Therefore, the more efficiently you control your breath, the better your vocal performance will be.

Effective breathing techniques can support better vocal health by reducing strain on your vocal cords, improving clarity by providing a steady stream of air for consistent sound production, and increasing your vocal range by allowing greater control over pitch changes.


Diaphragmatic Breathing for Improved Vocal Performance

One of the most effective breathing techniques for speakers is diaphragmatic breathing. This breathing exercise, which involves using the diaphragm - a large muscle at the base of your lungs - is an effective technique for speakers. It aids in breath control, maintaining volume, pacing, and vocal quality during speeches.

Exercise 1: Basic Diaphragmatic Breathing

  • Position: Stand or sit up straight. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen.
  • Inhale: Breathe slowly through your nose, ensuring your abdomen rises more than your chest.
  • Exhale: Breathe out through your mouth, ensuring your abdomen falls.
  • Repeat: Practice this for 5-10 minutes daily to develop good habits.

Exercise 2: Extended Exhalation

  • Position: Maintain the same position as the basic exercise.
  • Inhale: Breathe in through your nose for a count of 4.
  • Exhale: Breathe out through your mouth for a count of 8, focusing on a steady stream of breath.
  • Repeat: This exercise aids in building breath control, crucial for sustaining longer sentences while speaking.


Safe Breathing Practices

Breathing is an involuntary action that sustains life, and when utilized correctly, it can significantly enhance your public speaking skills. However, it's crucial to remember that safe breathing practices are paramount.

Straining or forcing your breath can lead to unnecessary tension, vocal fatigue, and even injury. Overexertion can strain the diaphragm and other muscles involved in the respiratory process. Therefore, focus on maintaining relaxed and natural breathing patterns.

This means avoiding holding your breath or breathing too quickly, which can cause hyperventilation and limit your speaking capabilities. Instead, strive for a steady, controlled breath flow that aligns with your natural rhythm. Regular practice of this mindful breathing approach will safeguard your vocal health and contribute to a more confident, clear, and powerful speaking presence.


3. Enhance Voice Projection and Volume

As a public speaker, your voice is your most powerful tool. It's not just about what you say but how you say it.

To effectively engage your audience, your voice needs to be heard clearly, even at the back of the room. Here, we'll explore techniques for projecting your voice and exercises to increase vocal volume without strain.


Techniques for Projecting Your Voice

Voice projection isn't about shouting; instead, it's about effectively using your breath and vocal apparatus to reach your listeners. Here are some techniques for better voice projection:

Proper Posture

Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, and keep your chest lifted to allow maximum lung capacity. This posture enables better breath control, which is crucial for voice projection.

Breath Support

Using the diaphragmatic breathing techniques mentioned earlier, ensure you have adequate breath support when speaking. The more air you have to work with, the easier it will be to project your voice.

Find Your Resonance

Resonance is how sound waves can get a boost in energy in your vocal tract before they leave your mouth, and contributes to an energized and powerful speaking voice. One way you can find this resonance is to make a humming sound, as if you've just eaten your favorite food - "mmm," or as if you are enthusiastically agreeing with someone - "mm-hmm."

Articulate Clearly

Ensure you're enunciating each word clearly. This doesn't mean exaggerating every word but rather making sure each syllable is pronounced distinctly, as clear articulation aids in better voice projection.


Exercises to Increase Vocal Volume Without Straining

If you're interested in bettering your singing skills, there are specific exercises you can incorporate into your routine to strengthen your vocal cords and improve your breath control. We recommend trying out these exercises to see if they work for you.

The Siren

This exercise helps to increase your vocal range and volume. Start by making a 'siren' sound from low to high and back down again. Do this several times, increasing the volume each time but without straining.

Reading Aloud

Choose a paragraph from a book and read it aloud. Start at a normal volume, then gradually increase it. Remember to maintain clear articulation as you get louder.


4. Improve Articulation and Pronunciation

One of the key areas of focus should be on improving your articulation and pronunciation. Clear and precise speech helps to establish better communication and ensures the speaker's message is well understood.

There are specific exercises and practices that you can incorporate into your routine to better your speaking voice. Let's get to them one by one.


Activities for Improved Clarity and Precision in Speech

Improving clarity and precision in speech is essential for confident and effective communication. Here are a few activities that can help:

Continuous Practice

Practicing is one of the most essential tips for improving your public speaking voice. When you practice your speech regularly, you become more familiar with the content and structure of your message, enhancing the quality of your delivery.

Having a strong voice when delivering a presentation or speech can help you capture and hold your audience's attention. Simultaneously, by practicing regularly, you can also improve the clarity and precision of your words and ensure that you are pronouncing them clearly.

Record and Playback

Try to record yourself while speaking. Playback can provide valuable insight into areas of your speech that need improvement. It can also help you become more aware of your specific pronunciation issues.

Proper Pacing

Often, people tend to mumble or slur their words together when they speak too quickly. You can encourage yourself to slow down your speech rate. This will give you enough time to articulate each word clearly and correctly.


Tongue Twisters and Diction Exercises

The quality of your speech plays a crucial role in conveying your message precisely and confidently. Tongue twisters and diction exercises are powerful tools that can enhance this process, improving your pronunciation, clarity, and overall voice quality.

Pronunciation is the cornerstone of speech quality. Mispronounced words can create confusion and miscommunication.

Tongue twisters are an excellent tool for improving pronunciation. They challenge the speaker to articulate complex combinations of sounds, exercising the muscles involved in speech. Over time, this practice leads to more precise, more accurate pronunciation.

Meanwhile, diction refers to the clarity with which we pronounce words. Good articulation ensures our audience understands you without effort. Diction exercises like repeating difficult words or phrases can help you significantly improve voice quality and clarity. These exercises help us identify and correct issues such as mumbling, slurring, or speaking too quickly.

How to Use Tongue Twisters and Diction Exercises to Improve Speech

Enhancing voice quality and diction in public speaking can be achieved through consistent practice of tongue twisters and diction exercises. Here are some best practices:

  • Choose Relevant Tongue Twisters. Choose tongue twisters that focus on the sounds you find challenging. For instance, if you struggle with the 'p' sound, "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" could be beneficial.
  • Slow and Steady Practice. Start by reciting the tongue twister slowly, focusing on each sound. Gradually increase your speed while maintaining clarity.
  • Consistent Repetition. If you want to improve your public speaking voice, repetition is vital. Practicing tongue twisters on a daily basis can help you practice articulating words more clearly and reduce vocal strain while speaking in front of an audience.
  • Incorporate Variety. Tongue twisters are a fun way of exercising your voice while improving articulation and rhythm. Utilizing a variety of tongue twisters can help you avoid monotony during speech practice and ensure that all aspects of public speaking are being practiced.
  • Combine with Other Exercises. It's important to practice using your voice to improve your public speaking skills. One effective method combines tongue twisters and diction exercises with other vocal activities, such as humming and lip trills. Humming can help you warm up your vocal cords before a presentation, while lip trills can help you practice proper breath control.


5. Enhance Vocal Variety and Expression

When delivering a speech or presentation, your voice is the most powerful tool at your disposal. It can captivate an audience, convey emotion, and emphasize key points.

This is where vocal variety and expression come into play. They add color and depth to your words, making your speech more engaging and impactful.


Use of Pitch, Pace, and Tone Variations in Audience Engagements

A monotone voice can quickly bore an audience, regardless of how fascinating the content may be. Try adjusting your pitch, pace, and tone to make your speech more captivating. These simple modifications can significantly increase the level of engagement from your audience.

You can express different emotions and emphasize specific points by varying your pitch. For instance, a higher pitch can indicate excitement or urgency, while a lower pitch can convey seriousness or authority.

Adjusting your pace can also have a significant impact. Speaking quickly can convey excitement or urgency while slowing down can add emphasis and allow your audience to absorb important points.

Your tone of voice communicates your attitude toward your subject. A warm, enthusiastic tone can make your audience more receptive to your message, while a cold, detached tone can create distance.


Techniques for Emphasizing Key Points and Creating Impact

Public speaking is an art that requires meticulous planning, practice, and powerful delivery. One of the key aspects of impactful public speaking is to emphasize key points effectively, making your speech memorable and persuasive. By mastering these, you can deliver more engaging and memorable speeches.


Repetition is a powerful tool in public speaking. It helps the audience remember points, ideas, and information better. The 'Rule of Three' is a well-known technique where you repeat your main point three times during the speech to ensure it stays with your audience.

Categorize Information

Another effective method is to categorize your information into fundamental parts. This helps organize your thoughts and makes it easier for the audience to follow and understand your key message.

Use Gestures

Your body language and other non-verbal cues play a vital role in emphasizing key points. Open gestures, like holding your palms up, can show openness and honesty, while confident gestures convey enthusiasm, passion, and credibility.

Rhetoric Techniques

Rhetoric techniques can also be used to make your speech more impactful. For instance, using metaphors and analogies can help clarify complex points, while rhetorical questions can engage your audience and stimulate thought.


6. Record and Evaluate Your Voice

When it comes to public speaking, having an engaging and confident voice is essential to delivering an excellent presentation. Fortunately, there are several techniques you can use to improve your public speaking voice. One such approach is to record and evaluate your voice when practicing your presentation.


Recording and Listening to Your Speeches

Recording yourself allows you to listen back and observe how you sound from an outsider's point of view. It's a powerful tool that provides a clear picture of how you sound to others and can be immensely beneficial in identifying and improving areas of weakness.

Select an Appropriate Recording Device

The first step is to select an appropriate device. Most smartphones have built-in voice recording apps that are sufficient for this purpose. Alternatively, you can use a digital voice recorder for higher-quality recordings.

Provide a Quiet Environment

Ensure you're in a quiet environment when recording. Background noise can interfere with the clarity of your recording and make it difficult to evaluate your voice correctly.

Practice Speaking Out Loud

Once you've selected the perfect place to record, it's time to practice speaking out loud. You could record a speech you're preparing for an event or read aloud from a book or article. The goal is to capture a realistic representation of your speaking style.

Regularly Review Recordings

Listening to your recordings regularly allows you to identify specific trouble spots and recurring issues. You might notice patterns such as speaking too quickly, not articulating words clearly, or using filler words like "um" and "uh." By identifying these patterns, you can target them for improvement.


Seeking Feedback from Others

While self-assessment is crucial, getting feedback from others adds another layer of insight into your public speaking skills. Don't be shy about asking for feedback.

Reach out to friends, family, colleagues, or fellow public speakers. Let them know what specific areas you're working on (e.g., pace, volume, clarity) so they can provide targeted advice. Here are some tips for you:

Explain the Goal of Your Speech

When asking for feedback, clearly defining your presentation's goal is essential. Explain to your "critics" who the target audience is, their beliefs, the setting of the event, and other pieces of information that may seem relevant. This ensures that each point observed is appropriate and serves a purpose.

Ask Questions

Asking questions can be a great way to help your listeners know which parts of your speech concern you. It also gives your listeners something to observe as they listen.

Queries allow you to get feedback from the audience, which can help you hone your message for maximum impact. When seeking feedback, ask open-ended questions such as "What did you think of my pace?", "Did I articulate my points clearly?" or "Was my volume appropriate throughout the speech?"

Listen to Criticisms

Remember, the goal of seeking feedback is to improve. Therefore, it's essential to approach any criticism constructively. Rather than taking negative feedback personally, view it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Apply Suggestions as Needed

The ultimate objective of heeding criticisms is to utilize them appropriately. If your listener suggests you speak more slowly, for example, make a conscious effort to do so during your next practice session. However, if you believe their recommendations are less necessary, you can always disregard them.


7. Practice with Different Speaking Styles and Genres

Public speaking is not a one-size-fits-all skill. It's an art form that can be molded and shaped in a multitude of ways, depending on the speaker and audience's needs. To become a versatile and effective communicator, practicing and experimenting with different speaking styles and genres is crucial.


Experimenting with Different Speaking Styles

Speaking styles refer to the way a speaker communicates their message. It can vary significantly based on the purpose of the speech, the audience, and the speaker's personality. Two common styles include informative and persuasive speaking.

Informative speaking aims to educate the audience about a particular topic. The speaker acts as a teacher, breaking complex information into understandable chunks. This style is commonly used in academic presentations, business meetings, and technical briefings.

Persuasive speaking, conversely, aims to convince the audience to adopt a particular point of view or take a specific action. It requires a strong understanding of rhetoric and argumentation. This style is often used in sales pitches, political speeches, and debates.

Practicing both styles can help you become a more adaptable speaker, able to adjust your approach based on the situation and the audience's needs.


Practicing Speeches in Various Genres

Just as there are different speaking styles, there are also other speech genres. Storytelling and humor are two popular genres that can add variety and interest to your public speaking repertoire.

Storytelling is a powerful tool in public speaking. It can make complex ideas more relatable and memorable. By practicing storytelling, you can learn how to weave narratives into your speeches, engage your audience's emotions, and make your messages stick.

When used appropriately, humor can lighten the mood, grab attention, and make your speech more enjoyable. However, it requires a good understanding of comedic timing and audience appropriateness. By incorporating humor into your practice, you can learn how to add a touch of levity to your speeches without detracting from your main message.

Experimenting with different speaking styles and genres can help you become a more versatile and engaging public speaker. So, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new in your public speaking journey.


8. Seek Professional Training or Coaching

Becoming a proficient public speaker is one of constant learning and growth. As you continue to hone your skills, seeking professional training or coaching may be beneficial. These programs offer structured learning environments and personalized guidance designed to help you reach your full potential as a communicator.


Consider Voice Training or Coaching Programs

Voice training or coaching programs can provide a wealth of resources to help you improve your public speaking. These programs often cover a range of topics, from vocal technique and speech clarity to delivery style and audience engagement. Here are some tips to guide you in making the best choice:

Determine Your Goals

Before you seek professional help, clearly define what you hope to achieve. Are you aiming to reduce filler words, improve your vocal quality, or master persuasive techniques? Your specific goals will guide you in choosing the right program or coach.

Research Your Options

There are a myriad of training programs and coaches, each with unique offerings. Take time to research your options. Look at course outlines, coaching methods, and areas of expertise. This will help you find a match that aligns with your needs.

Check Credentials and Reviews

Inquire about the credentials of potential coaches or training programs. Where did they receive their training? How long have they been coaching? What do previous students say about them? This information can provide insight into their competence and reliability.

Consider Your Budget

Professional training and coaching come at a cost. Consider your budget when making your decision. While investing in your development is important, ensure that the price aligns with the value you expect to receive.

Opt for a Trial Session

Opt for a practice session before committing to a program or coach. This allows you to gauge whether their teaching style matches your learning style.

Commit to the Process

It is essential to commit to the program or coach you have chosen thoroughly. Attend all sessions, complete all assignments, and actively seek feedback. Remember, improvement comes with consistent effort and practice.


Work with a Speech Coach for Personalized Guidance

Working alongside a highly experienced speech coach can be a precious and personalized experience if you want to improve your public speaking skills. Here are some key benefits:

Tailored Learning Experience

A speech coach can provide a learning experience tailored to your specific needs and goals. They can help identify your strengths and weaknesses in public speaking and then create a custom plan to address those areas.

Immediate Feedback and Correction

Working with a speech coach offers the incredible benefit of receiving immediate feedback and valuable recommendations to improve your skills. This invaluable support expedites the learning process and equips you with the tools to apply the improvements to your speech delivery immediately.

Boosted Confidence

Engaging the services of a proficient speech coach can work wonders for your confidence levels. With their expert guidance, you can receive valuable reassurance, constructive criticism, and encouragement to help you feel more prepared for your upcoming speech. Their insights and feedback can help you refine your speaking skills, enabling you to deliver a stellar performance that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.


A speech coach holds you accountable for your progress. Regular sessions ensure you stay on track with your practice and continue to improve. This level of commitment often leads to significant strides in skill development.

Enhanced Communication Skills

Beyond public speaking, a speech coach can help enhance your overall communication skills. They can guide you in effectively conveying your thoughts and ideas, a valuable skill in many aspects of life, from professional settings to personal relationships.

Access to Expert Knowledge and Techniques

Speech coaches bring a wealth of knowledge and techniques to their coaching. They can share insights about audience engagement, storytelling, voice modulation, and more, equipping you with a broad set of skills for public speaking.


Refining Your Public Speaking Voice Today

The journey to becoming an effective public speaker is a rewarding one, filled with continuous learning and growth. Step up and take advantage of the many techniques and practices that can help you improve as a speaker and a messenger.

Regular practice and perseverance are the key to improving your public speaking skills. You'll see significant strides in your vocal talents through consistent effort and commitment.

If you want to take your public speaking game to the next level, the Compelling Speaker program might be just what you need. It is designed to equip you with the skills and techniques necessary to captivate your audience and deliver your message confidently and clearly. With the proper training, practice, and determination, you can transform your public speaking skills and become the compelling speaker you aspire to be.